Dutch women report having satisfying sex lives into older age - My Sexual Health

Dutch women report having satisfying sex lives into older age

Sexual function is how the body moves through the stages of sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and satisfaction. While there is general research on women’s experiences with their sexual function and how this may change over time, some studies have indicated that culture may play a role in how women experience sexuality differently as they age. Having data on different populations can be informative not only for women in other countries who experience these challenges, but also for doctors/health practitioners to be able to offer support to their patients.  


Dr. Ellen Lammerink and her team from the University Medical Center Groningen conducted this study to get more accurate information about age-related sexual dysfunction in Dutch women. This is the largest study on women’s sexual functioning in a Dutch population that uses scientifically-accepted questionnaires.

Focus on the North

Four towns in the northern part of the Netherlands were selected for this study. With the help of local authorities in each town, a random selection of women within specific age categories was chosen. Questionnaires were sent to the women by mail. To improve the response rate, information was posted in local newspapers explaining the purpose of the study, and that all information received would be anonymous.


In the end, one-quarter of those mailed the questionnaire completed it: 829 women in total from 20-100 years old.


The women were asked questions about their sexual function using a validated tool called the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). They were also asked about their general health, medical information, daily activities, body image, well-being, and fatigue. The responses from the participants were compared with Dutch national data and with German national data for the information missing from the Dutch national surveys (i.e., fatigue and well-being scores).

What did they find?

  • There was a significant decrease of sexual function with age, especially after menopause. From most to least affected were arousal, lubrication, desire, pain, orgasm
  • Sexual satisfaction also decreased with age, however far less than other measures of sexual function
  • Pain associated with sexual intercourse was reported at a much higher rate in participants over 70
  • Sexual inactivity increased dramatically after age 50
  • The study group reported lower levels of depression than shown in the German national data


It was an important finding that the women reported a strong decrease in certain indicators of sexual function as they got older (such as arousal, lubrication, and orgasm), while many older women still reported enjoying sexual activities (sexual satisfaction). This reflects the complex nature of sexuality in women, and how a survey tool, even one that has been scientifically accepted, may not be enough to fully explore it.  

Things to note...

As the participants were drawn from just four towns in the northern part of the Netherlands, their responses may not reflect the responses of Dutch women as a whole. In addition, the participants were nearly all native Dutch women (99%), with immigrants hardly represented. This may have been due to language or cultural barriers, making reading or understanding the questionnaire difficult. It may also be related to having a lower proportion of immigrant populations in the towns selected for the study. 


Distress related to sexual dysfunction is a requirement for a diagnosis of a sexual disorder. This was not included in the questionnaires, so identifying women with potential sexual disorders was not possible with the information gathered in this study.

Reference article:

Lammerink EAG et al. (2017) A Survey of Female Sexual Functioning in the General Dutch Population. J Sex Med Jul; 1 4(7): 937-949.