Find out more about low sexual desire and arousal in women

We have summarized scientific studies as well as relevant news on low desire and low arousal in women to provide you with more information about other women’s experiences, what may cause these problems, and both existing and promising treatments.

Sexual dysfunction - the brain and the body

Read the research

An insightful Portuguese study set out to address a question that may not get much attention in the field of women's sexual health - do lesbians experience fewer sexual problems or difficulties in the realm of intimacy compared to their heterosexual counterparts?

Dr. Ellen Lammerink and her team from the University Medical Center Groningen conducted this study to get more accurate information about age-related sexual dysfunction in Dutch women. This is the largest study on women's sexual functioning in a Dutch population that uses scientifically-accepted questionnaires.

In 2019, the US FDA approved a new treatment for women suffering from low sexual desire with distress. Known as bremelanotide, it mimics a substance naturally found in the brain, known as a melanocortin. This study investigated how well this new drug worked to improve low desire and its related distress in women, next to several other sexual health indicators.